Experienced teams may fall into routines and certainties. Continuous learning and self-reflection is key in a changing world. Taking the time to step back is key to grow new insights and reach better results thanks to be aware of benchmarks in one’s industry or beyond.
Junior teams may need guidance on systematically identifying and addressing critical success factors. Any projects can benefit from an external assessment to check possible “blind spots” or untapped resources in full awareness of the risks and opportunities.
How & what?
The project team is introduced to a process of using a well-established and holistic model(the IPMA Project Excellence Model) to review their project through guided self-assessment on different perspectives. By systematically asking, reflecting and improving on the most important questions about the three main areas A) People & Purpose, B) Processes & Resources and C) Project Results & Stakeholder satisfaction the project team is invited to a structured development journey that is modular, and step by step enable and direct improvement activities to most critical areas.
Project managers and project teams who want to ensure that their project starts off on development journey that facilitates regular Plan-Do-Check-Act cycles to gradually improve efficiency and effectiveness of their project management.
Extended project team including also stakeholders such as project sponsor and steering group, PMO etc. who want regular delivery assurance that the project is on track during different phases of the project lifecycle.