For organisations who want to ensure that they are not getting “home blind” by their own processes and old habits by having the courage to let their projects be examined by professional project excellence and / or project governance assessors in order for continuous improvement and comparison with international benchmarks.
How & What?
Project Excellence Assessment (based on IPMA PEB) is a method for independent assessment of projects and programmes according to the IPMA project excellence model. PEA could either be done with limited scope i.e. 60 questions asked by a team of 3 assessors during a 1.5 day site visit, or full scope i.e. 200-300 questions with a team of 3-5 assessors and a site visit depending on project size and complexity (mega, big or normal). For large projects and programmes it is recommended to undertake independent project assessment several times during the project life cycle including:
- at initial project phase to ensure that all major critical success factors are covered without and that key project risks are well covered
- during the project to ensure that improvement suggestions from initial assessment is adequately addressed, and that the project is well on track to deliver project excellence
- post project assessment to measure project results (0-100%) as well as establishing an independent assessment of stakeholder satisfaction through interviews with project team, sponsor, customer and other relevant stakeholders
Project sponsor, PMO or top management who wants an independent view on how well the project is comparing towards its own objectives as well as the opportunity for international benchmarking