What is Reiki?
It has been given its name and structure by Dr Mikao Usui (end 19th century). It aims at imposing hands on the body to allow the universal energy to flow and activate the self-healing capacity of the person receiving it. Many descriptions or equivalent terms are given as substitute for Reiki: life energy, universal energy, Love, Light, etc. What matter is not so much the name, it is more the experience it allows you to have. It is not about explaining but about living.
Which are the Reiki rules?
Five rules govern the practice of Reiki:
- Only today do not worry
- Only today do not get upset
- Earn your living honestly
- Honor your masters, your parents and the elder
- Respect all forms of life
What are the Reiki grades?
In the present context, the term master is taken from the Eastern tradition to designate the person who will bring you a knowledge that you may not access on your own. In the Usui system, there are three different levels:
- Reiki 1: you get to learn to give yourself and to other Reiki.
- Reiki 2: you learn symbols and procedures to be able to give distance Reiki
- Reiki 3: you receive the master symbol which intensifies the previous stages and you learn how to initiate others.
What can it do for you?
Reiki is a wonderful tool to reach a stage of deep relaxation at all levels of awareness (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual). Such a state brings support to the journey towards a more integrated personality and a healthy body and mind. A regular practice does bring transformation in one’s life.